The Great Medical Encyclopedia defines health as "the state of the human body, in which the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and the absence of any painful changes." And in the basic materials of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as a state of complete physical, spiritual, and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects. Health is a very complex phenomenon, the characteristic and significant aspects of which cannot be expressed briefly and unambiguously. Health can be considered in several aspects: physical health, mental health, oral health, social health, etc.
An analysis of scientific sources indicates the presence of a trend of deterioration in human health on a global scale. It is known that each person himself should be responsible for the state of his health. However, objective reality proves otherwise. Especially among adolescents and young people, there is an irresponsible attitude to health as an enduring value. Therefore, attention to a healthy lifestyle for young people has intensified recently.
Objective factors affecting the State of human health
Environmental influence. Pollution of the surface of the land, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and the World Ocean affects the state of human health, the effect of the "ozone hole" affects the formation of malignant tumors, air pollution affects the state of the respiratory tract, and water pollution affects digestion, sharply worsens the general state of human health, reduces lifespan.
Influence of heredity. Genetics. This is the property inherent in all organisms to repeat in a number of generations the same signs and features of development, the ability to transfer from one generation to another the material structures of the cell, containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.
Healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: work and rest regime, elimination of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.
Currently, negative trends in the health of young people persist:
Of particular concern is the growth of infectious diseases, primarily tuberculosis, syphilis, and AIDS.
The number of diseases of the respiratory and circulatory organs, and the musculoskeletal system is increasing, and the number of mental disorders is growing.
Rising prevalence of drug and substance abuse
There is an increase in the overall incidence of newborns
There is a deterioration in the reproductive health of the younger generation - future parents.
The low level of health of the population of reproductive age, the high prevalence of abortions, as well as pathological conditions during pregnancy and childbirth, determine high rates of maternal and perinatal mortality.
Among the main reasons for the decline in the reproductive health of the younger generation is an increase in the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
One of the reasons for the deterioration of health is the poor state of the environment.
The indicator of disability can be considered as a concentrated reflection of the level and quality of health of the younger generation. It most clearly illustrates the sharp decrease in the functional capabilities of the body, and the reactions of adaptation and protection in children and adolescents. A disabled person is a person who, due to a limitation of life associated with physical or mental disabilities, needs social assistance and protection. Limitation of life activity is a complete or partial lack of a person’s ability and ability to carry out self-service, movement, orientation, communication, control over their behavior and, last but not least, limitation of the ability to engage in labor activity.
In the structure of childhood disability in Russia, mental illness occupies the first place (40% on average). The second place is occupied by diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs, the third - by congenital anomalies (respectively 25 - 40% and 5-15�pending on the region). The fourth place belongs to the consequences of injuries and poisoning, as well as infectious and parasitic diseases. The defeat of the musculoskeletal system in children with disabilities is due to the presence of congenital defects, previous diseases and injuries (including cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis).
Health for every person is a natural life value, occupying the top step in the hierarchical system of values. Therefore, the phenomenon of health is currently being updated as a valuable capital, as a winning investment in the future. But, first of all, it is the person himself who must realize that to live qualitatively, fully, without falling into the category of endangered humanity, only he himself can and must.
GBUZ "Center for Medical Prevention" of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory