If you read medical advice and articles on health for a long time, you can eventually - in full accordance with the classics - find signs of absolutely all diseases, not excluding puerperal fever. Therefore, we decided to go the other way - and have collected unexpected signs for you that confirm that everything is probably fine with your health. Rather, check how many symptoms from this list you have!
Lots of energy
If by the end of the day, you feel a little tired, but you still don’t want to fall down and lie still until your vacation, most likely your body is coping with stress. Of course, a lot depends on the level of these very loads: if at work you plow for three, and then at home, you pretend to be the Mother of the Year and the Best Housewife, there will not be enough stocks. But if you lead a habitual way of life and your energy is enough to recognize your needs and desires, as well as satisfy most of them - most likely, everything is in order with you.
Fresh breath
It not only facilitates understanding, but also indicates the absence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the health of teeth and gums, and even diabetes. Check the freshness of your breath - and be calm if everything is fine with it.
Skin elasticity
Pinch yourself (just not hard!) on your wrist, shin, or ankle: if after that the skin quickly returned to its original position and there was no trace left on it (slight redness does not count), you have a perfect water balance. But if not, you may have dehydration or, on the contrary, a tendency to edema. This a simple test worth doing from time to time!
How soon after eating do you feel hungry again? Normally, three to four hours should pass between meals, during which we can freely go without food. But if you constantly feel hungry, this may indicate incipient diabetes or other metabolic disorders. In this case, it is worth contacting an endocrinologist as soon as possible.
Eye Health
Reddened or yellowed whites, blurred vision, decreased acuity - all these problems may indicate the onset of serious diseases. Experts recommend at least once a year to be examined by an ophthalmologist - this will not only help maintain vigilant vision but also identify some diseases in the early stages.
Susceptibility to SARS
If once a year you get ARVI, it's okay - even people with very strong immunity succumb to seasonal viruses. But if the flu or "cold" puts you to bed more often, you may need to see a doctor and take care of yourself - your immune system may be weakened.
Gut Health
How often do you go to the toilet? Normally, the intestines should be emptied every 24-48 hours, and this should happen regularly. If you experience any problems with this process, you should definitely consult a doctor - problems with stools can be a manifestation of many diseases, including quite serious ones.
Oranges, tea, honey - why can't they be eaten with coronavirus?
During an illness, it is important not only to follow all the doctor's instructions, maintain bed rest and carefully take prescribed medications but also to adhere to a special diet. At this time, the body has to spend all its strength on fighting the disease, and if you force it to “distract” on inappropriate food, recovery can be delayed. We tell you which familiar foods are especially undesirable if you or your loved ones are sick with coronavirus.
Honey and raspberry tea
It's all about sugar: studies have shown that it reduces the function of the body's natural defenders - lymphocytes. And the more sweets we drink or eat during illness, the worse our body fights the virus or bacteria. Tea with raspberry jam (or just a high dose of sugar), soda or fruit drink, and even honey - all these popular drinks prevent immune killer T cells from attacking viral cells and protecting us from disease.
Oranges, lemons, and tangerines
Yes, citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system. But their sour juice irritates the already inflamed mucous membranes of the throat and nose, thereby preventing timely recovery. So bright fruits are better to eat when you are healthy, but if you are still sick, eat apples.
Tea and coffee
Dehydration is one of the dangers that await us during a viral illness. Even if the body temperature is not very high, the fluid is still actively excreted from the body - this is how our body tries to remove the virus. By the way, that is why during SARS, influenza, and coronavirus, plenty of warm drink is recommended - to make it easier for the body to remove the virus. But tea and coffee, due to the high content of caffeine, have a diuretic effect, which increases the dehydration of the body and only worsens our well-being. Well, of course, the invigorating effect of caffeine is not at all what you need in case of illness. Sleep really helps to recover faster from viral infections, scientifically proven.