Under the chimes, many of us will make wishes. And, I think, we will not be mistaken if we assume that among them there will definitely be health for themselves and loved ones, as well as many, many years of life. In no way wanting to underestimate the merits of Santa Claus, we still want to tell you what we can do in the coming year to prolong life and make it healthier.
Take a selfie of your moles every month
Still the most effective way to prevent melanoma is to regularly scan moles and promptly contact the doctor if the slightest change is detected. But how to notice these changes in time? There is a simple way: every month, take a selfie of those areas of the skin on which moles are located, and once a quarter or six months, compare the pictures. And if you notice changes, immediately make an appointment with a doctor!
Get a pet
Dog owners have a 15% lower risk of early death from cardiovascular disease than people without pets, according to a Swedish study in which scientists monitored the health of volunteers aged 40 to 80 for 11 years . Yes, maybe daily walks and games with a dog can be tiring, but in the end they give us a few “extra” years of life.
And at least one new friend
No, no, we do not mean friends from social networks: only personal communication makes us truly happy (and therefore healthy). Our friends are a real cure for old age, appreciate them!
Plan your vacation
No matter how important a project you are involved in at work, there is something even more valuable - your health. The results of a study published in the past year confirmed that people who do not go on vacation at least once a year, as a result, increase the risk of stroke and heart attack by at least a quarter. And those workaholics who work 50 hours a week or more end up increasing their risk of heart disease by 40%.
Do a bowel test
If you are 50 years of age or older, you should have a bowel test. Fecal occult blood testing (worth doing twice a week), sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy are three tests that older people should have on a regular basis. A study published in the journal Gastroenterology found that people who regularly took these tests ended up with a 28% lower risk of premature death from bowel cancer by 28%.
Switch to green tea
Want to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke? Five cups of green tea a day will help you with this! According to a Japanese study in which scientists monitored the health of 40,000 volunteers for 11 years, regular consumption of green tea helps reduce the likelihood of stroke and heart attack by 42% and 31%, respectively.
Sign up for the team
Playing sports is not only a way to get enough physical activity, but also an opportunity to maintain active social connections, as well as get enough positive emotions, which also positively affect life expectancy. A study by experts from the Mayo Clinic confirmed that regular tennis gives us 9.7 extra years of life, badminton - 6.2 years, and football - 4.7 years.
Check your blood sugar
This is especially important if any of your immediate family members have been diagnosed with diabetes. In addition, if you have suffered from hypertension, have been diagnosed with heart disease, polycystic ovary syndrome , high cholesterol, or simply lead a sedentary lifestyle, you should definitely donate blood for sugar regularly.
Use dental floss Every day
Unfortunately, just brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is not enough: food particles, as well as plaque deposited in the space between teeth, provoke dental and gum disease, which in turn can affect heart health. Doctors say that daily flossing , as well as regular visits to the dentist, can extend our lives by 6.4 and years.
PS Dear readers of the New Hearth! We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and wish you and your loved ones to be happy, prosperous and, of course, healthy in the coming year! And may every wish you make tonight come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!