More recently, in any incomprehensible situation, they were checked for anemia - if there is not enough strength, appetite has disappeared, dizziness or something with nails. And now they are talking about tests for homocysteine, which in many cases should be taken first. In what?
It is hard to believe, but quite recently headaches were attributed mainly to psychosomatic literally all over the world. Calm down, they say, adjust the regime, and your head will stop hurting. In the last decade, American family therapists, having heard about persistent headache, are increasingly offering to donate blood to the level of homocysteine.
Numbers matter
Homocysteine is a blood plasma amino acid that is constantly produced by our body. In Russia, different laboratories indicate a healthy level of homocysteine from a level of less than 14 micromoles per liter to 18. These are the levels at which a person maintains efficiency and functionality in society.
In the USA, a much smaller range is indicated as normal, for women - up to 10 micromoles, for men - up to 13. These are the levels at which a person is comfortable living. Exceeding them just threatens with headaches and other health problems.
The nature of headaches with elevated homocysteine levels is as debilitating and repetitive as with migraine, but without signs of migraine. Sometimes a person does not understand or really does not feel that there is some kind of tension in the head, but his behavior changes anyway - he becomes very irritable.
Most of all in Russia, the level of homocysteine is usually concerned about doctors conducting pregnancy. After all, an increase even to a level of 17-19 often leads to complications: preeclampsia, fading of pregnancy or fetal disorders, which further lead to neurological problems. Pregnant women are most often prescribed a blood test for homocysteine or even a genetic analysis. In the last decade, American family therapists, having heard about persistent headaches, are increasingly offering to donate blood to the level of homocysteine.
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But even in people who do not bear a child, problems develop from an increased level of homocysteine. Headaches and often low blood pressure are just the tip of the iceberg. Homocysteine is now associated with the development (fortunately, not instantaneous) of diseases such as anemia, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, and even schizophrenia. Elevated homocysteine levels often lead to stomach problems similar to gastritis and can lead to a stroke.
What can raise homocysteine levels
Homocysteine - an increase in homocysteine levels - is always associated with some kind of metabolic problem. Most often - with violations of the kidneys. It increases the level of homocysteine and high muscle mass, that is, athletes and dancers are at risk. Homocysteine can develop from oral contraceptives, smoking, excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, autoimmune diseases (although there is also a feedback).
Finally, it can be caused by a severe deficiency of B vitamins in the diet.
Naturally, different causes require different treatments. There is no single magic pill that lowers the level of homocysteine in the blood, so it is very important to establish the cause. Therefore, after a homocysteine test, they are often sent for a kidney test and a test for the level of B vitamins in the blood. Often the causes of homocysteine are complex, but even removing one link from this complex can achieve significant improvement for the patient.
Sometimes the cause of homocysteine is a genetic breakdown of metabolism. There are several types of such breakdowns that lead to classic and non-classical types of homocystinuria. You don’t even have to think about the classical one - it is clearly visible even in early childhood. But other types of genetic homocysteine can manifest themselves in adolescence or even adulthood, moreover, with different intensity.